When the plane touched down at Perth airport over a week ago, life started it’s rapid pace again. No more sleep ins, no more putting my hand in the warm, clear water of Koh Samui as a sailboat traversed the islands…just work, work, work.

In the last week, Alun and I have both been promoted. I thank God for the blessing of work promotion in our lives; especially as neither of us expected it.

But the promotion means more work and longer hours. We are both happy to take that on, but it’s…a lot. At least until we get used to it.

What I’m struggling with is my Mom.

SHE DOES NOTHING ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I hear her phone. Its pops and pings and coins rattling on her screen announces her gambling addiction loudly. She thinks she’s so clever and low key about it but dude – turn your sound off if you don’t want the family to know exactly what you’re up to.

Also – 8 hours NON STOP every day is a dead giveaway you’re not just scrolling socials. I think even the most hard-core social media fan has to get up and see friends, see family, get groceries – do something AWAY from their phone screen. But not Mom. No way.

At her height of gambling, she’s spent 13 hours on her phone in the kitchen in one go. She was on it at 6am when Alun and I left for work and when we came home for dinner, she was still on it. Mom was on it when Alun and I were watching the 9pm news that same evening. We both shouted “Night, Mom” at around 10pm and didn’t even get a raised head back – just a muttered “yeah, ok”.

So Mom doesn’t understand that life is going on all around her.

Mom wants us all to stop what we’re doing on the 3rd of June and go to Dad’s burial site by the river to pay him our respects.

“It’s a public holiday so you should all be free to spend the day with Dad” Mom wrote in the group chat to us all.

I’m astounded by her audacity, guys.

Just because it’s a “Day off” doesn’t mean we’re all ready and able to attend a FUCKING PAINFUL reminder that our Dad is gone, Mom.

Maybe the 4 of us – who work our asses off ALL FUCKING WEEK – including weekends – need that day off to REST.

Public holidays are RARE and when they arrive, I feel like the whole of Perth’s workforce breaths out in relief.

It’s one day amongst the madness where we don’t have to set alarms.

Jay and Kate have 2 little children they barely see. I don’t think it’s fair to ask them to spend their DAY OFF – one they could be spending at the zoo or aquarium, at the movies or AT HOME IN THEIR PJ’s making pancakes and spending time with each other in happiness – to drop everything and take Mom to see Dad’s riverside site for the whole day.

As for Alun and I – we’re exhausted. Alun’s promotion to MANAGER means he now has staff that look to him and he takes that very seriously. He’s doing extra shifts so staff can take time to move house, care for elderly parents, have time with young children. My promotion from agency staff to full time Government employee means longer hours, more stories, more meetings, more website updates and a HUGE PROJECT to oversee and organise this year’s annual report. It’s 220 pages of SO MUCH INFORMATION and I’m in charge of making sure it meets all the Government criteria but also reaches the public in positive ways.

ON THIS UPCOMING DAY OFF I WANT TO SLEEP IN. I want to eat a lazy breakfast at home with my husband. I want us to casually stroll in a park or sit by the beach. I want us to put our busy lives and work demands on hold and just laugh with each other.

I don’t want to be reminded that my Dad is dead.

I especially don’t want to be around Mom because if she’s not gambling, she’s asking for money, talking about how much she needs money, is spending our money or is telling us about ‘the family’ suffering in the Philippines and how we should be doing more to provide financial “gifts” for all 14 ‘relatives’ in Cebu.

MOM IS FUCKING EXHAUSTING TO BE AROUND and NOT FUN, especially on a rare day off.

We won’t get another for a good 5 or so months.

No one has responded to Mom’s DEMAND on family group chat. No one. She’s been on ‘read’ for 3 days.

I don’t know why Jay and Kate haven’t responded (but I can guess!) but for Alun and I, we’re PISSED with her demand to commandeer that entire day. We work SO HARD and Mom DOES NOTHING and now she wants us all to spend our only day off mourning the huge loss of Dad?

I get it. I know out of the 5 of us, Mom has lost the most.

But she doesn’t get up until after 10am every day. She stays up all night. She does what she wants when she wants ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

She has NO IDEA what it’s like to come home weighed down with responsibilities of work and not be able to swich off. She’s forgotten what it’s like to be TRULY TIRED and to NEED SOME REST.

I don’t want to go on the 3rd of June to feel miserable and listen to Mom and inevitably fork over my savings to shut her up. I don’t think any of us do.

Dad’s anniversary is the FORTH of June, anyway. I’m pretty fucking angry that Mom isn’t even choosing the right day.

It would be a lot easier on all of us if we were all allowed to commemorate Dad however WE want to on the FORTH of June.

Personally? Alun and I had already planned a memorial pint at the pub after work. Dad was a lover of a cold beer and a great pub so that’s how we want to remember him.

I just don’t know how to tell Mom without rage taking over and me launching her things out onto the driveway.

23 responses to “I’m so sorry…I just have to rant.”

  1. Barney Rubble Avatar

    Hear ya. Keep space for yourself and breathe. Breathe in your time. No one rushes you if it don’t suit you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Thank you for making me feel seen and heard, Barney. I appreciate you so much xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Barney Rubble Avatar

    Always. Take care. Can relate to some of the same. Look after yourself

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alice Avatar

    Your cold pint in the pub sounds like an excellent way to remember your dad on the fourth. Every small gesture that day, is fine. As for the home situ, can you turn off the wifi when you leave for work? You can limit data plans too. Just a suggestion. I hope you find a solution because your home situation sounds like a ticking time bomb.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Hello lovely Alice,

      Hearing from you makes me smile and I’m so blessed to have you in my life.

      Dad absolutely loved being at the pub, a cold beer in his hand and big grin on his face. That’s how I want to remember him. I hope my Mom will understand.

      Our WiFi is set to “unlimited” at the moment with 3 of us using it and often I’m writing on my laptop AND using my phone. I might look into how to limit it while Alun and I are at work. I wonder if there’s a way to set a timer to shut it off or lower WiFi output between 8am and 6pm? Hmm…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alice Avatar

        Parental controls…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Matt Avatar

    Who pays for her phone ? Her ?
    Because if her phone is in your or Jays hand then you should both consider altering her plan and dropping the internet.
    Your Mom has gone way too far and has a serious problem. I hate to say it but you should put her things in the driveway it might open her eyes. Or just ignore her, I know that is not easy but you have to try to shut her out. With no one responding to that group chat is definitely a first step in the right direction. Hang in there kiddo ❤️‍🩹

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Alun used to pay for Mom’s phone. Kate pays her Ubers, Jay pays her medical, I pay her Smartrider (buses and trains), groceries and $50 “shopping money” a week. Al has now stopped paying for her phone plan and she has to manage that herself. It hasn’t made a difference to how much she uses it, though. We gave it a shot.

      Mom has now asked ME to FORCE the others to reply to the group chat. I found it really intimidating and pretended to answer my phone so I could walk away and she would stop talking to me. I find Mom’s behaviour since Dad died really hard to bear sometimes. I’m looking into share homes and weighing up the cost of having Mom at home verses renting her out a room in a share home. It would be great to get her moved, to be honest. I’ve had enough.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Matt Avatar

        I still thin you should put her stuff in the driveway

        Liked by 1 person

      2. janetdthomas77 Avatar

        Even just the idea of it cheers me up 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  5. johnarthurbetts Avatar

    If a miserable old git can offer some advice, live your life your way, if your mum complains, remind her of the correct date then hold up your hand and say “that ends the subject” enjoy your pint and remember with joy, this is your life not hers, and congrats on both your promotions 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Except that you’re not a miserable old git, you’re a wonderful gentleman with such a good heart and some great advice there. I need to stick to remembering my Dad MY way. She shouldn’t force us to do it her way, grief is very personal and Mom is free to go to the river on her own (on the wrong bloody day! GRRRRRR!). Thank you for always being there for me, John 🙂 You are a blessing and I think the world of you xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. johnarthurbetts Avatar

        You’ve got this, big hugs

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Destiny Avatar


    take care…take time…and for yourself that is 🤍🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Hugs back, darling Destiny. I’m so thankful for you in my life xx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Destiny Avatar


        Liked by 1 person

  7. Priti Avatar

    It’s very sad but I think it’s your life so you should try to live life Fully ! Don’t worry everything will be fine 👌

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Kevin Avatar

    Wow, I don’t know how I missed this one.
    I’ll be honest, mother or not, she’s taking full advantage and almost, I hate to use the word, bullying you all with guilt.
    I think I’d take the hit in cost just to get her out of your house. You can’t put a price on sanity.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Exactly, Kevin. You make so much sense and I’m so glad to hear from you. Time for me to catch up on your world and what you’ve been up to, my favourite Gorilla xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        Hey Janet. Hope you’re well. Things have been a bit nuts here lol

        Liked by 1 person

  9. bigskybuckeye Avatar

    Congratulations on these career promotions for both of you. May the coming weeks help you to find a refreshing rhythm with these new responsibilities.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janetdthomas77 Avatar

      Big hug. Thank you, Richard. You’re a blessing xx


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